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Migrating Analytics

Google Universal Analytics will stop serving insights July 1st, 2023.
Migrate to Google Analytics 4, with better privacy & multiple touch-point integration

Need help migrating your analytics?

Our team of data experts will create your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account, migrate your goals/events and ecommerce tracking setup, and also build your dashboards and reports to match your requirements

Here’s three key reasons to want to move as soon as possible


Better insights into user journeys, with more robust cross-device and cross-platform data, and reporting, that reflects de-duplicated users


Better privacy for users and compliance with GDPR and other privacy laws. Google released Google Analytics 4, in order to solve GDPR privacy issues.


…and then there’s that small deadline…

On July 1st, 2023 standard Universal Analytics will stop working and the default analytics service of Google will be GA4. Don’t lose your data!

Benefits of Google Analytics 4

No Cost Analytics

While we're not saying FREE is always good, Google Analytics is a great analytics tool for website owners not ready to start spending on competitive costly solutions

Finally, some Privacy

While GA4 is not the best cookie-free solution the platform has the interest and resources to try to comply with privacy laws. The recent signing of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, which will foster safe trans-Atlantic data flows will further force Google to comply

Track Multiple Touch-Points

Do you have multiple websites, and maybe an app you need to track user journeys in one place? GA4 offers better cross-app tracking, collecting both website and app data to track interactions across websites and mobile apps

Note: We are not affiliated with any specific analytics platform

How We Work

Let's get on a 30min call and discuss your immediate needs
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