Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Need to Migrate Setup Understand Analytics?

We have experience with Google Analytics (GA4), Google Tag Manager(GTM), Migrating from UA to GA4, 

Cookieless Analytics platforms, Heatmaps, Surveys, and Advanced Reporting

Why Are Analytics Important?

Monitoring marketing efforts is a no brainer. Given the many different ways people interact with your business, you need tools and people with knowledge and expertise to setup, monitor and help you understand where your users are coming from, what they are looking for, and how you may improve your offering to satisfy them better, and eventually sell more of your products or services. 

Analytics is the yardstick for understanding user journeys


Reveal Intelligent Business Insights

Collecting data from users, across your different touch-points, can facilitate with insight discovery and improve growth. By knowing what your users are doing and how they are moving between websites and apps can put you in a better position to satisfy their needs.


Scale Your Business

Knowing what sells more, why users are not completing a purchase, or which articles produce the most conversions are key data, that you need to be aware of, in order to improve your business. You need to know what is happening at every stage of the custoimer journey.


Achieve Your Marketing Goals

Having a marketing strategy is great but not measuring it correctly makes no sense. Monitor each campaign, landing page or event by setting up the right tools and staying on top of data ready to improve outcomes. 


Adapt to a Changing Environment

With multiple touch points a business has to know where, when, and hopefully why users came to our site or app. While analytics is not the silver bullet it can help us understand what is going on, make changes, and see the results of these in our data.

Time Until
Google Universal Analytics(UA)
Become Obsolete

How We Work

Some light reading on analytics...

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