Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Lead Generation - MQL

Lead Generation at Digital Giraffes - Research
Lead Generation at Digital Giraffes
Lead Generation at Digital Giraffes

Building the Funnel

Lead Generation involves cold calling, remarketing, social media marketing, email campaign, webinars, events, conferences and several other marketing activities. Each lead generation strategy needs careful consideration and research for it to be effective

As part of a broader marketing strategy or a stand-alone offering we capture leads from channels, like LinkedIn, or other sources and drive actions, important to you, on your website, forms, or landing pages.

We encourage people to take action and learn more about your business.

We run drip campaigns with information that people want to know and is relevant to what they do.

Did You Know?

Lead generation is the process of generating interest for a product or service with the goal of turning that interest into a sale. An MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) is a reasonably qualified lead who has interacted with the client’s marketing efforts and outreach campaigns.



  • Competitive Analysis: Monitor what your competitors are doing; channels; discover unsatisfied clients; social media posts, footprint
  • Define Personas: Who is the target audience?
  • Market Analysis: Discover best channels for outreach; which social platforms would work best
  • Channels: Focus on channels and setup processes
  • Message: Research keywords, jargon, potential narrative




  • Create narrative
  • Prepare messaging including sequence messaging
  • Acquire assets (eg. landing pages, videos, research papers, PDFs)
  • Set up campaigns on channels
  • Begin campaigns and monitor daily, taking action where required (respond; offer more information)
  • Send to client MQLs



  • Set KPIs
  • Start small, fail fast: Initial small campaigns, that test the feasibility of the approach, before expanding to wider audiences
  • Optimize campaigns and re-test
  • Deploy
  • Monitor analytics
  • Send reports
Contacted Leads
20000 +
Conversations Started
6000 +
Conversion Rate (above ind. avg)
10 %
Lead Generation Use cases

Use Cases

We run campaigns with different goals, but our know-how gives us the confidence to go beyond the conventional:

  • User sign-ups
  • Sales prospects
  • Crowdfunding or Investor outreach
  • HR recruitment
  • Brand awareness
Lead Generation Use cases

Use Existing Data

We look into existing data and how we can utilize them to increase engagement:

  • Retarget your users, eg. website visitors, social media followers
  • Discover look-alike audiences
  • Build a community by nurturing your connections
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Complete the form along with the website you want analyzed, and we will contact you asap to go over the details. There is no catch, no hidden costs, and you may use our analysis to improve your website. We do reserve the right to refuse an analysis, mainly due to backlog of requests, but we’re sure we’ll find the capacity to help. Your data will be used only to contact you. We never part data to 3rd parties.

Digital Giraffes Team

If you have questions contact us at