Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Marketing and Photography

Marketing & Photography by Monika Kritikou

We live in a world full of visual stimuli. Our everyday life is flooded with images; they are all around us, whether it is in the news, in advertisements, in magazines, in social media, or websites and e-shops. Discover how photography and marketing walk side by side and can help you build a strong brand.

Becoming an Efficient Content Manager using WP & Elementor

How to become an efficient Content Manager using Wordpress and Elementor

Being a content manager (CM) makes you responsible for the freshness, quality, and consistency of a website’s content. It involves tasks such as research, planning, and writing, and a technical know-how is an absolute must to ensure optimal content handling and presentation.

How to Avoid Bad Website Design

How to avoid bad website design

Learning to recognize bad website design is essential for building and maintaining a successful online presence. Let’s see a short list of don’ts, for a website, with a few tips on how to avoid them.

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Building a story brand

In a world filled with constant, on-demand distractions, it has become near-impossible for business owners to effectively cut through the noise to reach their customers, something Donald Miller knows first-hand. In this book, he shares the proven system he has created to help you engage and truly influence customers.

Empowered: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products


EMPOWERED puts decades of lessons learned from the best leaders of the top technology companies in your hand as a guide. It shows you how to become the leader your team and company needs to not only survive but thrive.