Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Digital Marketing & PR | AI Aficionados

Maximizing ROAS Through Measurable Marketing: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Maximizing ROAS Through Measurable Marketing: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Maximizing ROAS through measurable marketing is not just about spending more but spending smarter. By avoiding common mistakes, debunking myths, addressing limiting beliefs, and overcoming challenges, small business owners can significantly enhance their marketing effectiveness. Focusing on desired outcomes and employing strategic, data-driven approaches will ensure that your marketing efforts yield the best possible returns. Embrace these principles, and watch your e-commerce business thrive.

Riding the Pros and Cons of Integrating ERP Systems with E-commerce Platforms

Riding the Pros and Cons of Integrating ERP Systems with E-commerce Platforms

ERP e-commerce integration refers to the process of connecting an e-commerce platform (e.g. WooCommerce) with an ERP system. This allows for a better flow of data and synchronization between the two systems, improving accuracy and minimizing siloes in the process. It also is incredibly resource intense. So we ask is it worth it?

Create a Winning Pitch Deck for your Startup

Create a Winning Pitch Deck for your Startup

We’ve worked on pitch decks for investor pitching, in private, and for public pitching events; and of course we’ve built many decks for brand awareness. A great pitch deck for a startup should effectively communicate your business idea, value proposition, and growth potential to investors, potential partners, or any audience.

Designing an Effective Header and Navigation Menu

Designing an Effective Header and Navigation Menu

We’ve designed and developed multiple websites over the years. One of the most key parts of creating a website is designing the navigation menu. A navigation menu is essentially the roadmap for a website, guiding users to the different pages and sections of the site. It’s also indicative of what the business believes in.

Creating a Content Strategy for your Website

Creating a content strategy for your website

Having a content strategy for your website can help you and your brand with thought leadership in your respective field. It’s great for your online footprint, while search engines will serve you more often, in their organic results, ramping up your impressions for specific keywords.

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Tools

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Tools

Large amounts of customer data need AI-powered digital marketing tools to identify patterns and preferences and thus create highly targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with customers.

5 Mistakes in Cold Outreach & How to Fix

5 Mistakes in Cold Outreach & How to Fix

Cold outreach has its challenges and it is not for the faint of heart. To be successful, it’s important to follow best practices and avoid common mistakes that can harm your chances of success. With the right approach and strategies, cold outreach can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to grow and expand.

Building your Brand as a Speaker

Building your brand as a speaker

In today’s globalized business landscape, one of the most effective ways to promote one’s brand, establish credibility, and expand networks is by speaking at international conferences.

10+1 Cookie-Free Alternatives to Google Analytics

10+1 alternative cookieless analytics

There are many alternatives to Google Analytics but this article will stick to cookie-free or cookie-less alternatives. The reason we chose these is because we wanted to find a way to respect user privacy and basically be GDPR compliant, serving EEA users and clients.

7+1 Free AI Tools You Should Learn About

7 More Free AI Tools You Should Know

We collected 8 more free artificial intelligence(AI) tools, some for fun and some for work. Once more we tried to be unique when looking for the best AI Tools.